
The Ecotels Blog

Our sustainable and vegan travel blog dives into a range of topics giving you tips, tricks, and information to help you travel more easily whilst being planet-friendly!

The Best Environmental Volunteer Programs

Volunteering trips are an amazing way to see the world, meet new people, and even do some good whilst you’re at it! But what if you’d like to specifically help out the planet and the environment on your volunteering adventure?

The Best Countries To Travel To As A Vegan

Whilst you can probably get by in most countries these days, wouldn’t it be nice to do more than just get by? In today’s post, we’re going through the best countries to travel to as a vegan that are full of options!

Sustainable Travel Facts - An Infographic

What is the current state of sustainable travel? What stats are there to show progress and what consumers think? Click over to our latest blog post now and view our Sustainable Travel Facts Infographic to discover 11 new facts!

What Does "Sustainable Travel" Mean?

What does “sustainable travel” actually mean? The term is thrown around a lot these days and you might have asked yourself at some point, what exactly does the term even mean and what we’re referring to when we mention travelling sustainably? Let's find out!

Could Flying Ever Be Sustainable?

The emissions of flying are far greater than any other form of transport, and as it currently stands. As a result, many people wonder though if there are ways to fly sustainably, or if this could ever be done in the future, so we’ve set out to try and find the answer. Could flying ever be sustainable?

7 Sustainable Countries That You NEED To Visit

Sustainable travel, eco-tourism, green travel, or any of its other names is becoming more popular and for good reason: our planet needs it. Whilst exploring the world is amazing, it causes extensive damage to our ecosystems and atmosphere that can’t be sustained for much longer. 

How Does The Travel Industry Impact The Environment?

The travel industry has a huge impact on our environment, something that should be considered every time we travel. Check out this infographic to understand how our choices can make a difference!

Why Does Our Planet Need Us To Be More Sustainable?

Our planet's environment is under immense pressure. With so many people, all using so many resources, will our planet be able to cope? See the many ways in which our planet's ecosystems need help right now!

How We Can Live More Sustainably

Living a sustainable lifestyle is key to protecting our planet and its resources. There are so many easy ways to make your lifestyle more efficient and environmentally friendly! 

How To Travel As A Vegan

Being Vegan can often present difficulties when travelling. Continue reading to gain some useful tips and tricks on how you can make your travels easier!

Welcome To The Ecotels Blog!

Welcome to the Ecotels Blog - here you can find useful tips and information on how to travel sustainably, live a sustainable lifestyle, travel as a vegan or vegetarian, and much more!